Last night during my session, I realized a lot of things about myself, some of them does not make me proud, but even so, I have to work on these negative points.
God has not given us a spirit of Fear, Fear is from Satan and thus we should not give Satan any more power than he already has. I will fight my fear and insecurities
because this will show my faith, trust and love for God.
I love my daughter, and she is such a ray of sunlight in my life, she always, always lets me off the hook regardless of how nasty I have been. Every time I neglect her
she will tell me she loves me, and every time I am discouraged, she tells me that the God of the Universe loves me, and cares for me. Every time I tell her lies, and she
finds out, she trusts me again, because she says: "You are a good dad".
She is not just like that with me, she is like that with her best friend as well, She loves her, she helps, she tells her that everything will be alright. Even when, like the last
couple of weeks, I take up all her friends time, my daughter is not overcome by jealousy, she just keeps on giving us love, and support. She never gets angry when because
of me she and Tash fights, she just tries to get it out. She does not judge us, or try to change us. She accepts us just as we are.
Then I have to tell you about my friend, Tasha. She is milder than milk, she is stronger than brandy. She is unconditionally truthful, and passionate and good. Her heart is pure
gold and chocolates. Her sense of humor is overwhelmingly funny. She is truest of all the people I know. But she also fears.
She fears that the 20 year roots she has grown with her current company, should not be broken. She fears that her life-long dream will not come to light. But I know, that
God, the God of the universe, has already, more than once, confirmed to her that she is doing the right thing. Everybody out there, knows she is going to make a hell of a lot of money.
She is going to be so fulfilled, because, she is going to do what she yearns to do. She must just get off her (beautiful) backside, put her (beautiful) hand in Gods hand.
She must not let the doubt and fear cloud her mind, even though I can understand the why of this, I know that it is Satan, Satan will use your closest friend, and your nearest family
to make you doubt. That is why the Bible tells us to guard our hears, our minds and our words, as the demons out there are running around, and sniffing out our fears, and bringing our
fears out to the world to come and haunt us.
I know better than anyone, that every time a negative thoughts is spoken, the demons, run with that word and makes it happen, that is why the Bible tells us that Satan is running around
like a growling lion, waiting for us to give him something to work with.
So every time we get confirmation, and every time we speak positive, and good, and just things, the angels of THE LORD, can fly and run and dance and sing, because, they can make something
happen, and demons don't know how to use good things.Good things don't stink, and they cannot smell that.
So to my daughter I would like to say; You are so blessed, every time God speaks to you, you speak those words to the people who needs to hear them, even when you know it will hurt. I am
sorry that I caused you to lie, I will never do this every again, I know you are very very adamant about my visit, and I understand that trust comes from both parties, and you cannot commit to
someone who will not commit to you. I love you so much, and I will make you proud of me.
To my friend Natasha I want to say; Satan is trying to stop your bookshop, he is trying to kill your dream, how is it that two people on the opposite ends of the Earth, will have the same dream 24 hours
apart and yet you do not believe that it is also confirmation. Your dad will not tell you if he does not want to make your bookshelves, but I want to urge you to keep on chasing your dream. My friend phoned the
business commerce in that area, and even they had said that your business will work there, my friend's mom has a sewing shop there in that same centre and she makes her money at that same centre.
The location is perfect the idea is more that just perfect, it is ideal. You will be happy, you will make a killing, and you will be so fulfilled.
Please do not let you fear, cloud your dreams.
For the two ladies in my life, I want to tell you that I love you, and I intend on going all the way, and showing you that I can be trusted.
Enjoy your day, I am going to Paris to visit with my sister, and I will email you both later.
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