Today, is officially the day we can celebrate the new plans in your life.
We can thank God, for your courage, your resolve, and your trust in Him.
Mark today as the very first step into this new life, and although it be scary, you will move forward, in great leaps from here on in.
We thank God, for showering you with these blessings.
As from today, Monkey, you will only look to on being for your answers, your permission, and your incentives. God!
We thank God for entrusting you with this.
Today, I pray that God will place your feet on the rock, He will guide your steps. I pray that He will let you know what His will is in this new endeavour! I pray that He shall shower you with blessings. I pray that your health be increased, your stress be decreased, and that you will become more relaxed. I pray God will engulf you in His presence, reassure you time and time again. And that He will press on your heart that it is now the rest time that you deserve. I pray that He will give you that rest before you start your new business and life.
Alles wird gut!